Today, death stings...and I hate it.

By Jack Crabtree

Our hearts are breaking. Death is an all too real part of life here in Wantakia. It doesn’t sneak around out of sight in a nursing home, or peacefully take you in a sterile hospital bed with a monitor’s monotone knell, nor is it beautified by a mortician’s makeup or ensconced in an urn on the mantle.

No. Death’s ugly reality stares you straight in the face and mocks you. It touches everyone, and above all else it must be explained.

When the elderly pass, most in our village accept that it was simply their time to go. However, when a young man dies, a suitable cause for his death is sought and must be obtained.

Several months ago, Jeremy and I hiked to a neighboring village to check on a man who we were told was gravely ill. After questioning him, we thought he had advanced tuberculosis and called for a medEvac. The chopper came and carried him to the hospital in the nearest city, where doctors began administering the lengthy regimen required for treating tuberculosis. 

A few days ago, the weeklong funeral for this young Wantakian man was concluded. While in town, the doctors' medicine had initially worked to improve his condition, but after a week in town he began taking “alternative medicine” that was sold on the street instead of the medicine from the hospital.

This new medicine (which consisted of special, powerful crushed leaves, berries, and twigs mixed with water) was promised to cure him much more quickly than the six-month timeline the doctors had quoted him. Weeks later, his body succumbed to tuberculosis.

Our western minds immediately process this news in this way, “Since he didn’t take his medicine, he died.” But for our people, this logic does not fit within their worldview. A young man does not simply die from disease alone. Someone most likely poisoned him or performed sorcery against him. Some sort of spiritual cause must be attributed to the death of a young person, if their death is to “make sense”.

His body was flown to a nearby airstrip, where his family and friends met and carried the coffin back to our village and placed it under a large tarp erected as the “house cry”. The village gathered and wailed until night fell. We sat up with the village under the tarp all Friday night until dawn broke the next morning.

At this point, the man’s closest relatives gathered around the coffin and held a ritual seance of sorts asking the dead man’s spirit to show them who had conducted sorcery and poisoned him. If poison was involved, the man’s spirit would lead them directly to the house of the guilty man, who would then be summarily killed or arrested and fined. After this ritual was repeated and failed to produce any clear results, they buried him.

Yesterday, we were told that the people now believe a new type of magic was used to kill this man. They believe that men from a neighboring language group have obtained a special leaf that turns them invisible and gives them the power to enter someone’s body and kill them from the inside. This new, powerful magic, they say, must have been the cause of this man’s death. He was simply too young for sickness alone to be the cause. Now, the people are afraid to walk the trails alone. Fear of the spiritual realm holds them in its grip.

This morning death mocked us again, when we learned that a toddler died yesterday of a most likely treatable illness. Our village aid-worker left for town several months ago, so the mother took her baby to a nearby village, where the aid-worker told her she needed to go to a better aid post in a village father away.

This woman’s husband has been working in town for some time, so this crisis was hers alone to bear. Instead of immediately hiking to the distant aid post, she came back to our village. Her child passed away that afternoon. She never came to tell us her boy was sick. Horrifically, the surrounding family has scolded her for not taking her child to the distant aid post sooner. Someone must always be blamed; they wanted to blame her.

As Lael, Nora, Rynn, and I sat with this grieving mother in her house surrounded by her family members, I struggled to place my anger. Who was I angry at? Who was to blame? This fallen creation we inhabit? Our Enemy?  As Thomas’ poem goes, I wanted to “rage against the dying of the light” of this poor child, but I know that sentiment is precisely backward.

Light has never existed out here. Instead I cry out for the hastening of the coming of the light of life. One day, secure in the truth of their heavenly adoption, Wantakians will cheerfully bask in the dawning of the true light as they behold Him face to face. One day heaven will come to earth; every wrong will be made right; death will have lost its sting.

For now, death on Pinji Mountain stings, and I hate it. Like Jesus outside the tomb of Lazarus, I hate it. “Even so, come, Lord Jesus,” carries more weight than it ever has before. The context speaks of His second coming, but here on this mountain, I pine for His first.



Interview with a missionary pt. 2


 What were the obstacles or hindrances, if any, that tempted you not to choose missions as a viable career option?

How about a “bad” obstacle and a “good” obstacle?

Bad obstacle. Initially, I was just scared, because the idea of learning an unwritten language and then translating the Bible into said language and seeing a mature church established there just sounded crazy. But God was patient with me. We visited NTM’s training center and saw the kind of thorough training we’d receive before leaving. That helped. Then we talked to those who God had used to do this same work, and we were much more encouraged, because we saw how God had been faithful in their lives. After gaining a correct Biblical perspective on world missions, I saw that my fear wasn’t a valid reason for shrinking away from the task. I realized that if I actually trusted everything God said in His Word about offering me eternal life, I needed to trust Him…with my temporal life. So, we started the 4-year process of training and getting to the field.

“Good” obstacle. No matter where we were during training, we tried to get involved in a local church. If you’re trying to live the Christian life, and you’re passionate about missions, you’re probably also the kind of person local churches would like to see stick around and help out on the home-front.

We had multiple instances as we were going through pre-field training where mission organizations offered stateside ministry positions to us. Two in particular were like dream jobs that combined my degree in writing and video with missions among the unreached. These would all have been good ministry options for us. I could have called them “strategic” too. It’s not that they were “wrong” options, but we were convinced that God wanted us to live among the least reached.

With all of the ministry opportunities, I could look around and think of someone else who could do that job, if I left and went to a tribe somewhere. I wouldn’t be leaving a giant void, if I left. However, I didn’t see many others lining up to go live in the jungle...and the trail to the jungle was still wide open. I knew that if God truly wanted to change our direction, He was plenty big enough to do it. I have friends who either didn’t make it to the field or left the field, because God changed their direction. God does do that. So in short, if you plan to minister among the least reached, run in that direction and keep running. Don’t stop unless God tackles you and sends you somewhere else.

My friends on The Traveling Team always said, “No one needs a special call to go; Christ already gave that to every believer. What you really need is a special call to stay.” I believe that what God is looking for is a genuine willingness to follow Him anywhere…whether it’s across the street to our neighbor we’ve never met or across the world to a language group we’ve never met. If we aren’t offering our lives to God with open hands, we aren’t exactly trusting that He knows best. Being willing to do anything for Christ doesn’t mean He’ll send you to the remotest corner of the planet…it means being filled with His peace and joy wherever He sends you.


What are your day-to-day responsibilities?

That’s an easy answer right now. Learning Wantakian language and culture and building relationships are my main responsibilities (aside from being a husband, father, and teammate). I’m trying to live out the Christian life in front of those who have never heard the gospel clearly. I’m trying to earn the right to one day speak this Gospel to them. Later there will be literacy development, Bible translation, lesson writing, etc., but for now there is just culture and language learning…all day every day.


Could you give me two principles that you live by that I could apply to my life?

Never tire of asking the Lord for wisdom. When I’m not asking Him for wisdom, it usually means I’m getting a little too cocky. Admitting you don’t have all the answers is healthy. It’s amazing how differently my days go, when I start off by asking Him for His advice.

The other principle I’d pass along is resting in the fact that because of Christ and His work, you are completely accepted by God. You aren’t living this life to try and make God happy with you or love you more. He already loves you as much as He’ll ever love you, because of Christ. He accepts you because of Christ. He adopted you into His family because of Christ. I think some people get into missions to try and please God, but that’s just a twisted way of thinking. God is already pleased with you, because he is pleased with Christ (who is in you). So no matter what you end up doing in this life, remember that you’re obeying God out of gratitude and love for who He is. You should not be obeying/serving Him out of fear or guilt. 


What major personal quality would you be looking for in a co-worker or missionary candidate?

Humility. Teachability. These two traits are essential for a healthy team and continued personal growth in your relationships with God and others. During our four years of pre-field training, we learned so much from those who had gone before us. After getting to the field we did the same, and we’re still learning from everyone who’s a step ahead of us. So you have to be teachable, or you’ll just be frustrated.

The first years of this ministry are all about taking a learner’s role with the people you’re working among. We’re trying to learn an unwritten language and an unfamiliar culture. If we fail to model humility and teachability among our people, will they be teachable and humble when we become the teachers later. It’s also about preferring others over yourself and functioning as a team, and humility is a huge deal if you want to have a well-functioning team.

When everyone is humble and teachable, everyone continues to learn from the people, from each other and from the Lord and his Word. Like I said in the first question, we can easily try and do this ministry on our own apart from the Lord, but things aren’t going to turn out very well if we do. Humility means I correctly see my role in this ministry. God first. Others second. Myself last. Sometimes I get the order mixed up, and He has to remind me…good thing He’s always faithful!

Interview with a Missionary pt. 1


My friend, James, needed to interview a missionary for his missions class at Moody. Here's the first question. More to follow:

James: What motivated you to become a career missionary?

Jack: There’s only one answer to this question that will last and help you live well on the field. It took me a while to figure it out. Sure, many factors can play into someone desiring to be a missionary…some good and some…not so much. Maybe you love to travel and see new places and experience new cultures. Maybe you heard a motivating speaker and you’re ready to go do something now! Maybe you’re sick of the American dream, and you want to make a lasting difference. Maybe you feel guilty that you’ve had God’s word in your language for hundreds of years, while hundreds of languages still don’t have access to it. Maybe missions just sounds like an awesome adventure or the best way to get God to like you more….

That crazy list could go on, but only one motivation will truly sustain you. You must be completely convinced by the missional meta-narrative of Scripture. God is a missional God, who made a missional promise to Abraham in Geneses 12 to one day bless  people from every language group on the planet through salvation in Christ. When I saw in Revelation 5:9 and 7:9 that people from every tribe, language, and country would someday be represented around God’s throne in Heaven but knew that hundreds of people groups were still untouched by the Gospel, I had to rethink and surrender my life-plan. Gone were the narcissistic dreams of screenwriting and filmmaking…they seemed so small and pitiful compared to what I was seeing in God’s plan. When I saw that God had counter-intuitively decided to accomplish this incredible mission by working in and through people like me, my worldview shifted.

We love to insert our name into John 3:16, but for some reason we want to scribble someone else’s name into the Great Commission. We want a me-centered Gospel, when everything about the Gospel is others-centered. I saw the command of the great commission was to “make disciples” of Christ and teach them everything Christ had taught, so who better to do that with than those who currently know nothing about Christ?

He commanded the entire church to be involved in some way with seeing disciples made around the world. This mission is beyond us, which is why the entire church needs to work together and also why Christ promised “and I will be with you always,”  as he finished speaking. It’s not a solo mission.

Then I read Paul’s theology of ministry in Colossians 1:28-29, and I began to see how life as mission could be possible. Paul said the mystery that has been revealed is that Christ lives in us. The very Creator of our reality lives in us. He is our hope. Then Paul continued, “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.”

Mission is me understanding God’s desire to see mature disciples made, working hard toward that end, while trusting and asking for Christ to work in and through me to accomplish His plan. Paul wasn’t passive; he was “toiling” and “struggling”…with Christ’s energy. Again, Christ is with us through it all.

So from Scripture, I can see that choosing to make myself available to God and His global mission, is to live for a purpose that is much larger than myself. The important thing is that this purpose never changes. Even when my circumstances go south, the mission stays the same. This is only reasonable, because Christ’s promise to never leave us stays the same as well. The mission and Christ’s presence transcend circumstance.

I’m trying to learn the Wantakian language right now, and every day (multiple times a day) I’m thinking/praying, “This is impossible. This is beyond me. Help, Lord!” Some days I feel incredibly discouraged, because I’m focusing on the circumstances. I have to realign my thinking and remember that Christ is in me, and He brought me here. My joy comes from Him…not how good or badly I did in a language session!

In short, all your other reasons for living on mission will eventually disintegrate, and you’ll simply be left holding return tickets. Christ and His Word are the only true constants, so hold on to those

Physical reality; spiritual metaphor.  

Physical reality; spiritual metaphor.  

The Bright City Lights



Our family just got back into the tribe after an awesome break in Brisbane, Australia. I ate lots of yummy food that I didn’t make, shopped ‘till I nearly dropped, went on a couple of dates, wore cute “normal” clothes, and saw our precious family. As perfect as it all seemed, I still found myself struggling with sin; often not feeling content and having a bad attitude. This shouldn't have surprised me (I’m still a sinner after all), but I was surprised nonetheless.

One night in Brisbane, as we rode the ferry up and down the river and gazed at the most beautiful city lights I’d ever seen, the Lord reminded me that even though this moment was good, true joy and happiness only come from Him.  He is the only one who satisfies. He is the only one who can fulfill me no matter where I am located in this world.

We’re pretty isolated in the tribe, and I’ve thrown my share of pity parties out there. They go something like this: “If I could just go shopping, or just have some Starbucks, or go on a nice date with my hubby, or have some alone time away from my kids for a second, or at least see my family back home, then I would be so happy.”

As a believer, I sometimes find myself basically worshiping and idolizing created things, instead of giving worship to the Creator. I think of the beginning chapter of Romans (1:25) where unbelievers were doing the exact same thing. At the end of the day, I need to find my joy in Him. When I look for joy and fulfillment in the blessings, instead of the Great Giver of blessings, I am always utterly disappointed. I tried but didn’t find it in vacation, shopping, magical city lights, or even an awesome family.

God used the comforts of the first world to teach me to be content with where he has me.  Even on vacation in one of the most beautiful places in the world surrounded by the people I love them most, with every form of entertainment at my fingertips, if am not looking at my Jesus, a shallow fleeting happiness is the best thing possible. With God, I’m filled with a joy that transcends mere circumstance. With God, I have purpose that is bigger than ME.

Now I’m back in the tribe with a fresh perspective, and I feel so privileged to minister here among the Wantakians with my family.  Isolated? YES. Wearing the same two skirts and shirts every day? YES. Seeing fire lights instead of city lights? YES. Making breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day? YES. But now I’m filled with  lasting joy because of Jesus, and I know that I’ll be joyless the minute I start giving worship to anything but Him. O Father, Help me keep my eyes on You.


Water for Wantakia




When the Wantakians wake up in the morning, they’re thinking, “Do we have wood to make the fire, clean water for cooking, and kaukau to eat?” In Wantakia, carrying water is the woman’s job, and every day these women hike with their water pots to the nearest water source, which could be up to a mile away. Most times they’re also carrying bags full of their laundry, dirty dishes, food from their garden, firewood, and a small child for good measure. It’s insane to see them hiking these trails while carrying those enormous burdens. The Wantakians say, "Water is life," but their daily trek to get it makes that life a difficult one.

A year ago, Jason Mellinger came to Wantakia to set up the solar electric systems on our houses. One day, he wandered off into the jungle and found a water source high above the village that had lots of clean, flowing water.

This year, Jason made the long journey across the Pacific with his family and Charlie Hawks from Helping Hands Alaska to come be a blessing to our people—they tapped into that mountain spring and brought clean water to the center our village!


Here’s how it went down.

Back in December, Jack, Jeremy and I wrote a proposal to our PNG parliament member requesting funds for a water supply project for our people. Because of the holidays, we didn’t hear back from him until the day before Jason and the team were supposed to jump on the chopper and head out here. The answer was yes! The government had all the materials in storage in Aiyura. Thankfully, the Lord arranged for the NTM chopper to be out of commission, so Jason and the team had to drive to Aiyura and get on the Wycliffe chopper—which just so happened to be right next door to the government storage building with all the materials for our project!

“The next morning Charlie and I walked over to see what materials the government had in storage and discovered they had exactly everything that we didn't have but desperately needed: 1.2 kilometers of pipe, all the fittings, and a 5,000-liter storage tank,” Jason said. The team grabbed a tractor from the hangar, loaded everything up in the chopper, and by the next day the team and all the supplies were in our village!

Jason discovered something else about the mountain spring. “There was even a trench someone had dug to bring water further down the trail that eliminated our need to survey altitude and cut days off the project.”



“It only took us one work day to roll out, connect, and bury the pipe, so water could start flowing into the 5,000-liter storage tank at the top of the village. Then we piped the water a little further down the mountain to the 9,000-liter tank in the middle of the village. Each tank was drilled and tapped for faucets, and within several hours we had 14,000 liters of drinkable water stored in the village”

We were so happy to do some community development work in order to help them with some of their felt needs; however, we always pointed them back to the work we’ve promised to do—bring them ‘God’s Talk’ in their language. They say that water is life, but one day they will finally understand what Jesus meant when He said that the water He gives will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life!

Jason and Charlie were the brains behind this operation! 

Jason and Charlie were the brains behind this operation! 

We looked for opportunities to teach our guys and get them involved.  

We looked for opportunities to teach our guys and get them involved.